21 rail trails around Australia to take you to the next gear

Kate Bettes is a freelance travel writer. Whether having a picnic in Vietnamese jungle with new friends, or partying in the back of a limousine in Hollywood, Kate’s experiences have left her with the sneaking suspicion that the best travel memories happen when you least expect. It’s this feeling - and how to get it - that she loves to write about.

Read more by Kate Bettes


Comments (4)
  • Michael Tomalaris says:

    Great report Kate.
    Victoria is the state with the most varied rail trails.’they are dotted everywhere across the state.

  • Jayarathna says:

    Really Excellent.

  • Tanya Bosch says:

    The Munda Biddi is NOT a rail trail. It is a 1000K off road trail that uses small bits of Rail Trail here and there. There is a lot of singletrack in this.

  • Michael George Ivers says:

    Well done, I will ride some of these in the near future, its good to promote these tracks so that more people get out there.